How To Order


Browse our wide range of online catalog on Fast Pharmacy Online to find the products you are interested in.


Add what you need to the cart and proceed to checkout. At the checkout page, fill in your billing and shipping information correctly. Make sure you fill out the forms with your valid information.

Then Choose what method of payment you will like to use (Payment is done immediately after you place your order, so please put in your primary email correctly).

Payments Methods we accept are; Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, USDT, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin etc), PayPal ( Friends and Family) and Bank Transfer.

Click on “Place Order” and Congratulations you’re done

* You placed your order Successfully and Now proceed with Payment & Confirmation. Contact us via Live Chat, WhatsApp or Email for assistance!!


Immediately After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation mail of your directives on how to make payment for the payment option you selected is on the mail.

Check your email address after a few minutes, (Check all Box even the Spam Box) use the information to make payments or contact us for payment details.
* Take a full and clear Screenshot of the payment confirmation and send to us via Live Chat, WhatsApp or Email and upload the payment receipt to confirm your payment to set your order to ACTIVE!!
We will proceed with your delivery immediately.


Your order is packaged and registered for shipping, a tracking number is also provided 30 minutes to 1 hour after.